It goes without saying that Dachau was entirely haunting and sad. I spent the morning learning the history of the city and getting lost trying to find the concentration camp. What's sad is that many of the residents of the beautiful little town knew nothing of the atrocities taking place at the camp. I took some photos in the camp, but i'm feeling like it's not quite appropriate to post most of them here.

front gate

tribute outside the crematorium

in the village of dachau

view from the palace in dachau

watch out for elves with rucksacks?
I somberly left Dachau in need of a happiness boost but very glad that i went, if that makes sense. i, again, got very, very, very lost and encountered city buses and an old german man who was baffled at my lack of ability to speak german. he countered this by shouting and wildly gesticulating--at me, the sky, my inappropriate footwear (flip flops).
Once back on the train i decided to counter all sadness with copious amounts of beer, walking and exploration. In the end I encountered rainy weather, a man peeing off the top of a bridge and more beautiful architecture. I made my way to the Neuhausen-Nymphenburg district of the city--a part apparently rarely encountered by tourists. It was dotted with more beer gardens, canals and scads of joggers. I'm pretty sure i could happily live there.

Nymphenburg Palace (the biggest Baroque palace in Germany) this very rich (royal?) and important man built the extension to this palace after his wife gave him a male heir

palace from the back...followed by acres and acres of free to wander around gardens
onto the beer!



at the hoffbrauhaus with a pretzel(the only vegetarian food i could find in munchen) and a litre of beer(hoffbrau)...cannot be lifted with one hand. this may have been my shining social moment...there's nothing like drinking a litre of beer by yourself, behind a table of rowdy, brash, rude americans, at a picnic table made for twelve


getting slightly incoherent

completely blitzed

the bitter end
and off to bed in a hostel full of loud, snorey people. onto Salzburg and Vienna!