These photos are far from touristy, and that's what I love about them. I often forget that i'm in a lovely and culturally different country with lots of charms. And it's great to see England through the eyes of my friends who've grown up there all their lives.
i thought it only appropriate to take a picture outside OUP as i applied, without hope, for roughly thirty-seven jobs here
apparently this is the society to end all societies at Oxford
inside a fantastic dimly lit and nooky pub near the grand union canal...
in a lovely french restaurant...everything a cheese plate should be
only in England
nearly as exciting as Rochester, Michigan
cool pondy, lake thing near Jen's bunnies but lots of cool water fowl
face off between the farm animals...both funny and incredibly scary
i'm making some serious progress with this blogger thing. i could be grading papers so this clearly seems like the better option. more to come soon.
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