Upon arrival i quickly made friends with a croatian waiter, who let me camp out in his bathroom, and the tourist office lady who kindly told us that there were rooms to rent, and cheap, on this little croatian island. Between the hallucinations I think i may have hugged her.
our first glimpes of the island (the tables belong to my lovely waiter)
I retained digestive and psychological functions after napping in our lovely, huge, cheap room (110KN/night) in a lady's house near the west side of the marina, and then jen and i tromped out across medeival town centre of Rab. Um, small cobbled streets. narrow hilly routes. stunning views of local beaches below. I cannot remember much of much--what we ate, where we went, what I was thinking.
from the pictures it seems that perhaps we just walked:
Rab Town from our side of the island
water taxi! (with stops at the Lopar Peninsula and its 22 beaches, including the nudist colony--we didn't go, no time)
Church of St Justine
the power of yoga
around the Church of St John and its bell tower built (and last renovated based on the near death experience i had on the stairway) in the 13th century
impromtu beach underneath the lonely side of the tower
'its four instantly recognisable bell towers rise like exclamation points from a red huddle of stone buildings' (I am standing IN the fourth tower)...lonely planet was right for once.
happy times
one of the narrow, mazed streets
sickly sweet but cutely named cocktails on said street
tans and tangled hair (me, to the tangled hair i mean, not jen)
the tourist office played a mean trick and told us the wrong ferry departure time...hence we rocked up for the sunday ferry three hours early, were accosted by fishermen and ended up napping on several stones
Our island hopping ended with Rab, which Jen and I were sad to leave. We'd seen all of Rab Town, but the island is supposed to have stunning beaches, forests, etc that one day just doesn't do justice. Alas, we hopped back to the mainland via puke ferry to Rijeka (which lonely planet completely underplayed. am writing them a mean letter) and spent a day and night missing the bus to venice, mourning dead pets and eating pasta.
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