And then i felt the need to immediately rush to my blog and delete it.
Alas, I have chosen to settle for a blog disclaimer; let's call it a blaimer. So here it is:
**This blog is written for the express purpose of documenting my travels so when i'm 85, living with cats i'm allergic to, doing puzzles and eating pudding (sounds eerily like my life already) i can remember that i once was young and exciting.
**I try, try, try not to be preachy. I will try harder when i travel to places that make me feel something. Maybe save the 'touchy feelies' for another time and another space.
**I think I am funny but understand that not everyone will appreciate my bad punning, stupid joke telling, geeky english teacher humour.
**Please, don't take anything said here seriously. I'm not a serious person, honestly.
Certain friends are allowed to check me if I break my own disclaimer. They have been given permission to cut me off at the knees, slowly, with this:

And on that note, i'm off to eat some chocolate pudding.
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