Fear not, our luck with transport had not yet run out. The bus had short seats. It pretended to be air conditioned. It overloaded its maximum capacity of passengers, stopping at the side of the road in busy traffic to let people on and off. But perhaps my favourite bit was, as we were winding through more cars than i've seen in Detroit, the motor city, the driver chose to smoke a cigarette with one hand and text message a son/brother/mother with the other. I'm not actually certain what he was steering the large metal deathtrap with. I'm not sure if I want to know.
But we got there, eventually. We took the first accomodation we could find--17 euros each in private accomodation. Scarily, the room was decked in stuffed animals, giant tweety birds and dolls with missing eyes. A naked eighty-five year old sat in the sitting room watching television. We made our way out very, very, very quickly.
Budva's claim to fame is that it's Dubrovnik in miniature. Well why not go to Dubrovnik then? It was pretty, with a walled in city and a fortress, etc.
That was basically it. We had a downtime day which included lots of quietude, which is part of the reason why I love travelling with Jen. She gets it, the quiet.
So the overall verdict (these always get me in trouble by antagonistic, non-friends who think i'm slagging places off--it's just not possible to LOVE every place you go!): Budva is gorgeous, but I wouldn't go out of the way with Croatia so close by, especially considering it's lots cheaper, with nicer buses and cheap accomodation much closer to the centre.
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