I tend to overlook the fact that I live in one of the world's most cosmopolitan cities. And seeing as I've lived here for nearly five years now, I also tend to err on the side of arrogance like i've seen it all. I haven't, and thus I aim to rectify this negative attitude.
Don't get me wrong, I do take advantage of the myriad cultural opportunities--theatre and musical performances, weird art installations housed in quirky buildings off the Southbank, etc. I also drink a lot of coffee. But I guess you can't take pictures of that kind of stuff.
But you can take pictures of boat rides and trips to the London Zoo, two experiences that 2011 has dropped on my feet. Both experiences involved Paul, the kidney-challenged all-around lovely man-boy who, for some reason, has taken a shine to me.

For his birthday, I took Paul on a Thames Rib Boat Voyage up to the Thames Barrier and back. This involved 15-passengers, one tour guide and a boat captain with a need for cheap thrills. We hit top speeds of 60mph, zigzagging back and forth for 90 minutes all the way up to a bit of london i've never seen. It would've been amazing had I not: 1. needed to pee so badly for the best part of 75 minutes 2. had to deal with setting up a television contract with the wind whipping down my phone

So the Thames Barrier keeps the city of London from flooding and having all the bankers wash away. The process of how this works was explained to us, but I couldn't really hear/concentrate.

I just kept on imagining how the barrier resembled an alien spaceship.
It was pretty cool to see all the factories on the sides of the riverbank though; London's rise to the centre of empire and trade became clear and seeing where Sainsbury's, John Lewis, et al loads their trucks to deliver their products made the whole supply chain come to life. Yes, i know i am a loser.
Then, a few weekends later we went to.the.zoo! I didn't realise my love for the zoo until the penguins waddled their way around one pond or another. And then I was totally smitten. who needs children when you could have a penguin for a pet?


and if that weren't enough, there's the giraffes! I think, not so secretly, i'm jealous of their height. But honestly, they don't look like they should be able to stand upright. All those vertebrae. woah

and i'm always impressed by the health and safety signage built up for the thousands of less than intelligent people who say things to their three-year-olds like 'okay baby, stand just a little closer, okay baby, put your hand right next to that gorilla's mouth. no baby, just a little closer, closer'.

Thames Rib Voyage. London Zoo. Four enthusiastic thumbs up.
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