It's just about happened. I've just about survived the 2012-2013 academic year. As per my self-imposed rules, I've only cried once on the school premises, tried the whole force yourself to leave by 5:30 every day only to abandon it after three days and managed to keep my one-cup-a-day habit in check. I still don't like tea. I still take every advantage to eat chocolate biscuits. I still have those moments where I question, re-question and re-re-question my own sanity.
This is the time of year when people ask me how I like my job and I can, hand on my heart, say that I love it. Six weeks off doesn't hurt. But in reality, it's more than that too. I love teaching. It drives me crazy, it makes me worry, I have sleepless nights. But I couldn't imagine doing something I'm not passionate about. How do you fill 40+ hours a week with something that just makes you feel meh?
But this is not the forum to entertain philosophical thoughts.
Because it's time for another adventure and I'm big on adventures. So whilst I have three more days of school left, I also prep for Ghana 2.0. I'll spend another two weeks of summer with the Warwick in Africa Masterclass Teaching Programme. Two more weeks with a group of nine other teachers as we sashay our way through Accra and into the environs of the Agona Swedru province.
I didn't need to get any jabs this time around; they're all boosted up. I'm stoked. I'm slightly afraid of gigantic African mosquitos and severe heat--the forecast predicts two solid weeks of humidity and thunderstorms. I'm probably more afraid that I'll have nothing to offer these teachers. But i'm working on that.
And after two weeks in West Africa, I come home to five days in London and a little jaunt across a few time zones to make my way to Cambodia and Vietnam for another two weeks. I look forward to noodles, tuk tuks, temples and beaches. I look forward to away. Away is good.
I may one day blog all about it. It'll take me time--I've just about finished journeys from two years ago, only to have not touched most of my travels this year. But my two summers ago Thailand travel is finally blogged so that's progress. And going back in time is fun.
So from my continent to yours, happy summer everyone!