29 May 2014

The Winds of Change

Probably since I arrived in London, I've been plagued with itchy feet.  Some call it wanderlust, others stupidity, selfishness, an inability to grow up.  I'm not sure if i've ever aspired to 'the plan'--you know, marriage, babies, a house in the suburbs.  Maybe I'll change, maybe i'll wake up one day and realise my life has been somehow incomplete.  

But I'd venture to say that my life is very complete--a great career, a passport full of stamps, a boyfriend who's both charming and ambitious.  He gets me.  And if he doesn't, well, he pretends like he does very effectively.  

But this is only sort of about that. Because I am, yet again, throwing caution to the proverbial wind and taking another crazy step in my own personal version of 'the plan'.  After much debate, deliberation and application, I have accepted a job with Dulwich College in Shanghai.  

China. Yes, China.

I leave in August; Paul joins me in January.  Dulwich is a relatively prestigious school here in London that has relatively prestigious campuses in Singapore, Seoul and Beijing.  For the first time in my life I will be teaching in an independent school.  I've been given a mini-position of responsibility leading a Year 10 Research Writing Project.  After six years of being manhandled by the British Education system and Michael Gove, I'm looking forward to a new agenda.  Probably not better, but different. And sometimes different is good.

It's been a lot to take in but the school has been great with details.  They're setting up (and paying for) my own flat in an apartment complex with all the other new teachers.  They sort out my costs for food, laundry and two flights home a year.  I get a three week Christmas holiday and free school lunches, Western or Chinese, my choice. 

I'm scared about things like communism and cheese.  But I've never been much of a protestor and if I have to pay £8 for the occasional block of French-imported Brie, ah well.  

To London, I'll be back.  These winds of change are boomerang-like and I'm on a two-year contract hiatus.  In the meantime, I'm trying to make the most of London and am adding to my list of things-I-must-do-for-the-last-time-in-two-years.  So far, this list mostly involves drinking wine and eating cheese.

So China.  Get ready.