In a perfect world, the internet would work and i'd like my job. But I live in London so we'll settle for what we can get. My ex-housemate and travel buddy actually commented on this situation recently. She's working in Pakistan now where her internet connection is better. Stand proud London, stand proud.
But I digress. The point of my bitter quips is that the rest of Summer 2010, half term(s) May and October 2010 probably won't happen till i hit michiganland at christmas in three weeks. But at this point and in a few weeks, I suppose it will still be nice to reminisce about summer Jennifer, that rare unstressed creature smelling faintly of sunscreen and hope.
So Dubrovnik.
We started by fighting our way through the bodies on Banja Beach. that wasn't fun. we wanted to have fun. so we got on a boat to an 'isolated island'. Liars.

south side of the harbour (i could totally be making up the south part of this caption, but it sounds good, doesn't it?)

some hidden cove on the island of Lokrum, a 40 kuna swindle of a boat ride away from Dubrovnik

they say no photos but they don't really mean it
After getting delightfully lost on this little island, we motored back to maniacville for a three-hour-tour of the city walls. This is where Dubrovnik shines. There were still a million people, but it somehow didn't seem to matter.

perhaps the prettiest views ever

the isle of Lokrum with its nudist colony from the city walls

my classy travel buddies (two brits, an australian and an american...With the power of these nationalities combined we could've annoyed entire busloads of europeans. And yet, we didn't. And we actually didn't kill each other. well, until Hvar, at least.)
I think the highlight was brilliant, cheap seafood and wine at Lokanda Peskarija right on the cove. Fresh squid, prawns, smelt and mussels for pre-war prices. ah, local recommendations always win out in the end.
But I stick with my initial impressions of this city. Tres beautiful. Tres far too many people.