After bidding adieu to Jen, i joined up with Matt and Rosa to pick up Anita and Natasha, who flew in from London. The bus station was busy. The town was worse.
A bajillion and five tourists have officially heard about Dubrovnik. My friends and I were those extra five, perhaps five too many.

The UNESCO walled city's opening gates felt like the entrance to Disneyland, minus all the magic. Cordoned off ropes directed us in and out, hordes of people gnawed on smelly food and a bajillion tourists had to get a picture in front of that plinth or that column or that person dressed up in a funny costume. Hideous!
but beautiful!

we avoided the Old Town during the day as much as possible and instead crammed ourselves onto an impossibly small beach full of an enormous number of impossibly small people in impossibly small swimsuits. There were boat rides, nudist colonies, bad seafood, great seafood and an american hostel owner.

Other side of the city walls

They aint lying

The Most Beautiful View
Nothing remarkably exciting happened. This entry's pretty boring. I'll leave it at that.
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