So hatless, glassed and with knee pains, we visited the Island of Korcula, a queit respite between the bookends of Dubrovnik and Hvar. Korcula is known for its atypically sandy beach, plentiful local wine and the bar in a turret up a ladder. Our first glimpses did not disappoint:
Due to various snafus in ferry schedules, we ended up spending three and a halfish days on the island, but oddly. Two days on the way to Hvar, one point five days on the way back from Hvar. So we stayed in two different places but stuck to seeing pretty much the same things.
I've never travelled for three weeks in one fell swoop, and at 13 days in, all I wanted was a beach. so we beached ourselves here:
sandwiched behind these:
Then we cocktailed. In a turret. At night. Where we had to climb a fireman's ladder that the picture doesn't show. In dresses.
and some of this was involved:
Other scattered images of two days of rest...
up next, the impending hedonism of hvar...
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